St Hilda's College JCR
Welcome to St Hilda's JCR website! The JCR, or junior common room, is made up of all undergraduate students at the college. The role of the JCR is to represent the student body through democratic decisions on all things from new sports kit to the renaming of the college bar. The role of the JCR is also to offer welfare support to all undergraduate students and to organise various activities throughout the year.


The JCR committee is made up of the Executive committee (President, VP, Treasurer and Secretary) as well as many other representatives to fully represent the undergraduates we have here.
We have many sports teams and societies on offer at Hilda's. Some highlights include our Men's football team beating the odds to win the inter-college cup (Cuppers); our University Challenge team making the televised episodes last year and our mixed netball team winning their first match in 2 years which was followed by many more wins!
Click on the heading to find out more about our wonderful welfare team. We hold weekly welfare teas, a welfare week each term amongst other great events.
Teabag the college cat
Teabag is our magnificent college cat. Be sure to check out @teabag_the_hildas_cat on instagram to keep up with the news...
'secretly a softy, despite her expression most of the time!' Sarah Cloherty 2021