Guide for current students
IT guide
Single Sign On
Your SSO (single sign on) is the account that you use for most things in the University and College such as logging into weblearn and accessing journals.
Logging in
Username: shil****
Setting up your account
Your account is activated by an email sent to you once you’ve finished your university card form. It gives you your username and activation code.
Follow this link and click activate new account: https://webauth.ox.ac.uk/
Follow the onscreen instructions to set up your account.
Resetting your password
You can reset your password at this link https://webauth.ox.ac.uk/reset_password
Your password must be reset once a year.
Remote access account
Your remote access account is different to your SSO. It uses the same username, but it has a different password. Remote access is used for logging into eduroam and using VPNs.
Setting up your account
Follow this link: https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/index
Click on “Register for a Remote Access (Eduroam WiFi/VPN) account”
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Resetting your password
Follow this link https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/remote_access?action=pwreset
The password does not have to be changed every year like the SSO password.
Eduroam is a network which is used internationally. You will be able to log into the Wi-Fi at pretty much every university in the country.
Username: shil****@OX.AC.UK (upper or lower case normally works but some systems only recognise uppercase).
Android phones have a few other parameters which need to be changed.
Android (version 7 or higher)
EAP method: “PEAP”
Phase 2 Authentication: “MSCHAPV2”
CA Certificate: “Use system certificates”
Domain: “ox.ac.uk”
Identity: Your Remote Access username
Anonymous Identity: <leave blank>
Password: Your Remote Access password
Android (earlier versions)
Phase 2 Authentication: “MSCHAPV2”
CA certificate: “Unspecified”
User certificate: “Unspecified”
Identity: Your Remote Access username
Anonymous Identity: Your Remote Access username
Password: Your Remote Access password
If you have issues with eduroam try forgetting the network and then logging in again.
Reset your password by following the remote access link: https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/remote_access?action=pwreset
Shil Wi-Fi
Shil Wi-Fi is the local college Wi-Fi. You have to be connected to this network to access the intranet.
Username: shil****
Password: Same as your eduroam password.
OWL is another university wide network. You do not need a password to access it. However, you do need to use a VPN for it to work.
Logging on
Your email address is in the format firstname.surname@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
You can access it at https://nexus.ox.ac.uk/, you sign on with your single sign on (SSO).
You can link your account to program likes outlook on your laptop or phone.
Signing up
You can find your email address on the self-registration website here: https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/user_info/
You must activate your SSO first.
Changing your password
You use your SSO to sign in so you have to change your SSO password if you’ve forgotten your password.
Be careful of who is emailing you. Always check their email address to check if it looks official. If in doubt leave it. There have been a few problems with spam email in the past.
Your email will be terminated when your graduate.
Instagram requires authorization to view a user profile. Use autorized account in widget settings
Weblearn is the university virtual learning environment. You can use it to find course materials, exam information, lecture powerpoints etc.
You sign in to Weblearn using your SSO.
Weblearn also has a college section where you can find useful documents such as those required for funding applications.
Student Self Service
The student self service has a number of useful functions. It can be accessed here:
Logging in
Student self service requires your SSO to log in.
Before you arrive at Oxford you need to register for the uni, which is done on student self-service.
Updating details
Student self service has all of your details such as addresses, details of any disabilities and fee information.
Generating an enrolment certificate. You need this to confirm that you are a student. It’s required for processes like council tax exemption and opening a bank account.
Exam results. You can find the results of all your exams and coursework on here.
Candidate number. You need your candidate number for exams and coursework.
Booking graduation.
VPN stands for virtual private network. VPNs are used to provide a virtual connection to a network elsewhere. You can set up a VPN which uses university internet.
Some restricted resources can only be accessed outside of Oxford by using VPNs. VPNs are also required to use the OWL WiFi.
VPNs can also be used to get around some internet blocks on local WiFi.
When connected to the VPN, all traffic goes through the Oxford connection. You are therefore bound by the IT Rules and Regulations.
To use your VPN you need to use your remote access account (same as your Eduroam account, see the remote access account section).
VPNs require the installation of Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client.
Downloading Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client
Log in to the IT Services self-registration pages at https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/software.
Select VPN Client.
Choose the correct version of Windows for the download.
Choose to save the file to a convenient storage location.
Run the VP AnyConnect installer that is downloaded. This may come up automatically on your browser or you may have to find the storage location and click on the installer.
Follow the instructions on the installer.
Using the VPN
Ensure that you’re connected to the internet.
Start the VPN program via the Start menu.
The Cisco AnyConnect window should pop up in the bottom right corner of the screen. It should show ready to connect.
Type vpn.ox.ac.uk into the blank box and click connect
Use your Remote Access password to log in.
The Cisco icon in the system tray will show a padlock it if works and it will not show one if it doesn’t work.
Logging off the VPN
Right click on the VPN icon in the system tray.
Select VPN disconnect when the menu comes up.
The padlock will disappear off the icon.
If you want to reconnect then right click the icon again and choose VPN connect.
For the VPN to work, you must be connected to 3G or WiFi.
Follow these steps to set up VPN.
Go to Settings -> General and then select VPN. Select Add VPN Configuration.
Select IPSec in the configuration menu and then fill out the configuration menu as follows.Description: IT SERVICES VPN
Server: vpn.ox.ac.uk
Account: Your Remote Access Account ID
Password: Your Remote Access Account Password -
Save this configuration
When you go to settings again you will see a VPN bar. Move the slider to on to activate it. You will then have to log on using your Remote Access account. Move the slider to off to
Setting up the VPN
Follow this link to the IT services Software Registration and Downloads: https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/software
Select VPN client from the list.
Select VPN shared credentials.
Make a note of the IPSec secret when it pops up in a new window.
Open System Preferences which you can find in the Apple menu or the Applications folder.
Click the Network icon to bring up the Network window.
Click the + at the bottom of the left-hand pane to bring up a dialogue window to add a new network interface.
Set Interface to VPN
Set VPN type to Cisco IP Sec
Change the Service Name to something you will remember e.g. VPN (OUCS)
Click create to add the new interface.
Set the Server Address to vpn.ox.ac.uk
Set the Account name and Password to your remote access account name and password
Click Authentication Settings to bring up another dialogue window. Click Shared secret and fill it in with the text information that you obtained earlier. Set the Group Name to oxford. Click OK to return to the Network window.
Click Apply to complete configuration of the VPN.
To make a connection, simply click Connect.
Connecting the VPN
Open system preferences and click the network icon.
Select the VPN connecting and click connect.
Disconnect by clicking the disconnect button within the network window.
Library Websites
St Hilda’s library
In contrast to most libraries, Hilda’s uses the heritage system: http://webopac.sthildas.ox.ac.uk/
Log on using your reader code (the 7-figure number on the right side of your bod card).
On this page you can look at your current library loans and fines. You can pay your library fines online as well.
You can also search for books that you need and request them if somebody already has them out.
Most libraries in Oxford use SOLO. You can search SOLO for any books that you need. Some books can be viewed online.
Log on the SOLO using your single sign on.
St Hilda’s computers
Computers can be found in the library (in the basement) and in the IT room (South building).
Logging on
St Hilda’s computers use your shil number and library card number as a default log on.
Username: shil****
Password: Library card number (the one above the barcode)
The password can then be changed.
Using the printers
You can print in the library and the IT room. Everyone gets given 30 pounds of print credit at the start of term. You can check it at this website:
Bodleian Login
All of the University libraries outside of St Hilda’s use the Bodleian system. You can use these libraries to print or photocopy.
Logging on
This uses a separate log on system to your single sign on. Your username is the number above the bar code on to your bod card.
If you are logging in for the first time or you have forgotten your password, go to https://register.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/. They will email you a link to activate your account or change your password.
You can use this login for Bodleian Library computers, Bodleian Wi-Fi and printing photocopying and scanning (PCAS).
You can print or photocopy in Bodleian libraries but you need to add money to your account.
As a student you are able to download loads of different software for free. There is a full list here: https://help.it.ox.ac.uk/sls/fulllist
Of particular interest are:
Microsoft Office 365
Sophos anti-virus software
There may be some other software which you can get specifically for your course. For example, biochemists can download PyMol (a protein imaging software).
Accessing journals
As an Oxford student you have access to all of the main academic journals.
Journal sites will have a section where you can log in. Log in via shibboleth and choose University of Oxford as your institution. You can then log in with your single sign on (SSO).

bookings portal
To book punts and music practice rooms, follow this link. The gym is now just a turn up a system, as is the library
A guide to cowley road
Hilda's is only a 10-15 minute walk from the centre of the city and is also only a few minutes from Cowley Road. This area has so much to offer and ask most Hilda's students and they'll say its one of their favourite places in the city, and where you can live out in 2nd year.
Imagine you are walking down Cowley Road from the roundabout outside of college:
(there's so many more places, these are just some popular ones)
The Cape of Good Hope
- a lovely pub with some outside seating when its warmer
- a pub quiz on a Monday*
- quite expensive
Tik Tok cafe
- excellent place for breakfast/to work/read
- freshly squeezed orange juice
- a great range of clocks on the walls
Cafe Coco and Kazbar
- Florence Pugh has been spotted there
- Coco has some lovely food and Kazbar some delicious food including tapas, with a lively atmosphere
The Private Shop
- adult entertainment shop
Seoul Plaza
- Korean grocery store
- wide selection of produce
- says ravenscroft watchmakers on the sign above
- all their food is gluten free
- gets very popular
Peloton Espresso
- excellent coffee and atmosphere for working/socializing
- some gluten free/vegan sweet and savoury food options
- 'the best coffee in cowley' you can quote me
- self explanatory
Big scary monster social club
- selection of records and cool beers
Rick's diner
- top quality service and selection of food
- great juices and smoothies
- good place to work
G & D's
- ice cream shop, many great flavours
- nice place to work
- another one in Jericho and near Pembroke
Big Society
- good place for food and drinks
- outside seating
- ping pong and table football
- check out their website for events
The Ultimate Picture Palace
- independent cinema
- check what's showing!
Aleppo's falafels
- delicious falafels
- if you don't fancy here, try Najars near St John's
Truck Store Coffee and Record Shop
- great coffee, less expensive than other places
- good place to work and browse music
Cycle King
- for any bike questions
- same day repairs and student discount
- quite small, but could do a good shop there
- vegan Mondays
- gets busy
Tesco metro Cowley
- repairs pending until later this year
- an excellent store
Za'atar bake
- middle eastern restaurant, great atmosphere
- always busy!
- a club holding events throughout the year
The Cowley Retreat
- a lovely pub with heated seating outside
The Library
- Monday margharitas and margeritas
O2 academy
- club holding events and concerts, check out tickets they can be quite reasonable
there's many more places further up the road!